Bio Frequency Synthesizer
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Affiliate program
This affiliate program serves on your bioresonance frequencies and is designed for effective advertising. In exchange, the user receives remuneration in the amount of 17% from expenses involved partner.
Opportunities affiliate program
Affiliate link
It can be obtained in the section of the Affiliate program or on the main page of the service, after clicking on the "Share" button (if you are at this moment logged in). In the first case you will be given a link to the main page with the default Program. If you want the affiliate link led to a specific bio program, you need to choose on the main page of the service, and then click on the "Share" button. Another option for an affiliate link is with service selection of individual frequencies. Such a link can also be found in the Affiliate Program section.
The placement of affiliate links
Affiliate link can be placed in forums, blogs, social networks and on their pages. About the limitations of the embed will be discussed below. It is necessary to copy and paste it as normal URL.
Transitions, registrations and payments
After clicking on an affiliate link, you can register in our service or leave. Everything will depend on the description to the affiliate link which you make. And the transition, and it is possible to register, will be reflected in the Statistics. If a user signs up and purchase a subscription, you will be credited a Commission of 17% or above (fees). For example, if the user purchased a subscription for a month, then you will be credited with 5 days plan, if — for a year, then you will be credited with 62 days or less. The partner was thus assigned to you forever, and all his spending will bring you commissions all the time. Fees are also reflected in the Statistics.
At the moment, and is the responsibility of the Affiliate program, provides three kinds of statistics:
  • The number of affiliate link clicks;
  • The number of registrations;
  • Partner charges submitted days or less.
For each statistic are provided with the information "today", "yesterday", "last 30 days" and "last 365 days". Statistics obnovlyaetsya every 10 minutes. Ie statistics for the transition, check or charge can occur within 10 minutes after the event itself.
Activation charges
For the convenience of our listeners activation of accruals made in the form of separate buttons. After the accumulation of any amount of charges you can press the button "Activate charge" section of the Affiliate program, and the whole amount of charges to be add on to your subscription.
Affiliate program terms and conditions
Affiliate link can be placed in forums, blogs, social networks and on their pages. However, we prohibit its placement in the system cheat statistics, ATS and other systems where the transient on the link or go to the site, is carried out without active user input.
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