Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
Spleen carbuncleSpleen enlargedSpleen secondarySpleenSporobolomycesSporotrichum prutinosumStabilization of blood circulationStammeringStaph and Strep vStaph infection 1Staphylococci infectionStaphylococcus aureus HCStaphylococcus aureusStaphylococcus coagulae positiveStaphylococcus compStaphylococcus generalStates of fearStemonius HCStemphylium💳 Stenocardia - anti painSterigmatocystin HCStiff muscles compStiff muscles secondaryStiff musclesStiff neck with headachesStiff neckStiff shoulderStigeoclonium HC💳 Stimulation of the chakras MuladharaStomach disordersStomach gasStomach ulcerStomach, cardiac departmentStomach, exitStomach, gatekeeperStomach, middle (body)Stomatitis aphthous 1Stomatitis aphthous vStomatitis aphthousStomatitis💳 Strengthening potencyStrengthening the musclesStrengthening the nerves, the structure of the nervesStrengthening the protective functions of the bodyStrep and Staph vStrep mutansStrep sweep TRStrep virusStreptococcus enterococcinumStreptococcus hemolyticStreptococcus infection generalStreptococcus lactis HCStreptococcus mitis HCStreptococcus mutant strain secondaryStreptococcus mutant strainStreptococcus peptoStreptococcus pneumonia HCStreptococcus pneumonia hi altStreptococcus pneumoniae mixed floraStreptococcus pneumoniae