Search for bioresonant frequencies by sections
Here, a search is made for diseases and frequencies in sections that are provided by the international standard ICD-10.
For some frequencies, this standard is slightly expanded and supplemented
All Sections :: Eyes
Section: Eyes |
CataractCataractCataract 1Cataract 2Cataract brunescentCataract complicatedCataract generalClouding of the vitreous humor of the eyeColors (color decode from Jade Machine)Conjunctivitis (pink eye)Cornea of the eyeCornea of the eye (regression)Eye disordersEye inflammationEye lid droopEye muscles (strabismus)EyesEyes glaucomaEyesight sharpenFarsightednessFlashing flies before your eyesFusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye)GlaucomaIrritation of the optic nerveMacular degeneration 1Macular degeneration and visual acuityMyopiaRetinaRetina, regulationRetinal detachmentTrachomaVision poorVisual acuityVisual centerVisual hillockVisual impairment
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