Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
Comedones (blackhead)Comminuted fractureCommon inflammationsComplaints about shortness of breathComplete early craneComplete early rifeComplex "Migraine"Concentration centerCondylomataConjunctivitis (pink eye)Connective tissueConstipationContusion (bruise)ConvoforceConvulsions 1Convulsions spasticityCoraforceCorallinusCorn smutCornea of the eye (regression)Cornea of the eyeCornsCoronary vessels of the heartCoronary vessels of the heartCoronavirus infectionCoronavirus SARSCoronavirus SARSCorynebacterium diptheriae HCCorynebacterium xerosis HCCostal pleuraCostalgia (rib pain)Cough lingering TRCoughing from flu vaccine 1CoughingCounting, counting difficulties💳 CoxarthrosisCoxsackie B1 HCCoxsackie B1Coxsackie B2Coxsackie B3Coxsackie B4 HCCoxsackie B4Coxsackie B5Coxsackie B6Coxsackie GeneralCramping and nauseaCramps menstrualCrampsCrinis humansisCrocus sotillusCrohns and other bowel problems VCrohns disease protozoa 1Crohns disease viroid 1Crohns diseaseCroupCryptococcus neoformans (torulosis)CryptosporidiumCunninghamellaCurl formationCurva spic