Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
Biliary cirrhosis💳 Biliary dyskinesiaBiliary headacheBiliousnessBilirubinBiological charging💳 Biorhythm correctionBlack widow spiderBladder (weakness)Bladder and prostate complaintsBladder sphincter weaknessBladder syndromeBladder TBCBladder tumor💳 Bladder, weakness, enuresisBladderBlastocystis hominisBlepharisma HCBlepharismaBlisters on the feetBloating, flatulenceBlockage of the arteries of the heartBlood circulationBlood diseasesBlood oxygen uptake, insufficientBlood pressure highBlood pressure too highBlood pressure too lowBlood sugar too low (hypoglycemia)Blood supply centerBlood supply, oxygenBlood supplyBlood temperature is too lowBlood thinning💳 Blood thinningBlue cohosh (a healing herb)BoilsBone cell renewalBone disease and periodontal diseaseBone marrow astheniaBone marrow stimulationBone marrowBone regenerationBone skeletonBone softeningBone spursBone trauma (cuts, fractures)Bone treatmentBordertella pertussis HCBorrelia burgdorferi HCBorreliaBotrytis cinereasBotrytisBotulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoning)Bowel ulcerBrachial neuralgiaBrain atrophyBrain beta stim TRBrain tumorBranhamella Moraxella catarrhalis