Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
CarbunclesCardiac edemaCardiac veinsCariesCariesCarpal tunnel secondaryCartilage formation in jointsCartilage of the esophagusCartilage softeningCarvularia spirateraCat scratch feverCataract 1Cataract 2Cataract brunescentCataract complicatedCataract generalCataractCataractCatarrhCatarrhal inflammation of the fallopian tubeCausticumCeliac disease 1Cell regenerationCell renewal (tumor)Cell renewal, tumor (cancer)Cells of Leudig (colon tonic)Center for a sense of responsibilityCenter for Altruism (Selfishness)Center of balanceCenter of creativity (creation)Center of joyCephalotheciumCerebellum, neoplasmCerebral atrophyCerebral blood flow disordersCerebral dystoniaCerebral palsyCerebrospinal troublesCerebrovascular rheumatismCerumen (ear wax)💳 Cervical complexCervical myositisCervical polypCervical spineCervicitis (womb neck inflammations)Cervico-lumbar syndromeCervico-occipital arthrosisCervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix)Chaetomium globosum💳 Chakra Ajna💳 Chakra AnahataChakra base root💳 Chakra Manipura💳 Chakra Muladhara💳 Chakra Sahasrara💳 Chakra Svadhisthana💳 Chakra VishuddhaChancre (use Syphilis)Change in acid-base balanceCheerfulness
alarm(0); # Отключить таймер после выполнения