Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
Influenza triple nosodeInfluenza V grippeInfluenza V2 grippeInfluenza V3 grippeInfluenza V4 grippeInfluenza V5 grippeInfluenza V75 VictoriaInfluenza VA2 grippeInfluenza VA2L grippeInfluenza virus 1991 1992 secondaryInfluenza virus 1991, 1992Influenza virus 1992-1993Influenza virus 1992, 1993 secondaryInfluenza virus 1993, 1994 secondaryInfluenza virus 1993, 1994Influenza virus A 1974Influenza virus A Port ChalmersInfluenza virus AInfluenza virus B Hong_KongInfluenza virus BInfluenza virus BritishInfluenza virus generalInfluenza virus swineInfluenza with Fever vInfluenza with respiratory (winter 99 to 00)Influenzum toxicumInguinal herniaInjection allergic reaction💳 Insect biteInsomniaInsufficient vigorInsulin, too littleInsulin, too muchIntelligence and clarity of thoughtIntercostal neuralgia (pain in rib musculature)Interleukin (stimulate lymphocyte production)Intermittent claudicationInternal anxietyIntervertebral disc degenerationIntervertebral disc injuryIntervertebral disc regenerationIntervertebral disc wearIntervertebral discIntestinal congestion after paralysisIntestinal inflammationIntestinal motilityIntestinal polyps💳 Intestinal polypsIntestinal problems colonIntestinal problems generalIntestines inflammationIntuitionIodamoeba butschlii HCIrritable bowel syndromeIrritation of the optic nerveIrritation on the faceItching (pruritis)JaundiceJaw-frontal sinus, inflammationJock itch Pel