Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
Joint inflammationJoint pain basic TR (also known as Pain)JointsJoy, center of joyJoyless stateKaposis sarcomaKidney cyst, resorptionKidney insufficiencyKidney papilloma (small, usually benign growth on a kidney)Kidney stimulation TR (specified by True Rife as may help against infections common in acute renal failure)Kidney stones, alkalineKidney stones, resorptionKidney stones, uric acidKidney stones, uric acidKidney stonesKidney stonesKidney tonic generalKidney, wrinklingKidneyKidneys, pyelitisKiefer osteitisKlebsiella pneumoniaeKnee and wrist joint painKnee cartilageKnee joint painKnee rheumatismKoch tuberculinL lysine (stimulates)Lac defloratLack of appetiteLacrimal gland, lacrimationLactobacillus acidophilus_HCLambliaLarge intestine tonicLaryngeal polypLarynx-catarrh of the vocal cordsLarynxLateral sclerose (degeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia)Laxative (but much nicer)Laxative mildLeatherLeft ventricular regulationLegacies (inability to read and write)LegionellaLegs curvature (open legs)Legs that are swollen (swollen)LeiomyomaLeishman DonovanLeprosy secondary infectionLeprosyLeptospira interrogans HCLeptospirosisLeucocytozoon HCLeucosisLeukemiaLeukocytogenesis stimulationLeukocytosisLeukoderma acquiredLeukoencephalitis secondaryLeukoencephalitis