Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
Thinking centerThroat tickle chronicThrombophlebitis💳 ThrombophlebitisThrombosis infective herpes typeThrombosis💳 ThrombosisThrushThymus stimulationThymus💳 Tick biteTinea crurisTinea pedisTinea versicolorTinnitus, deafTinnitusTobacco mosaic virus HCTobacco mosaicTonsillar nodulesTonsillar nosodeTonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils)💳 TonsillitisTonsilsTooth extraction followup (see also General antiseptic set)Tooth, pressure in the area of the toothToothache (hot-cold)ToothacheToothacheTorticollisToxin eliminationToxoplasma HC (human strain)ToxoplasmosisTrachea💳 TracheitisTrachomaTransformation seriesTraumaTreatment of bones after fracturesTrench mouthTreponema pallidum HCTreponema pallidumTrichinosisTrichodermiaTrichomonasTrichophyton generalTrichophyton nagel secondaryTrichophyton nagelTrichophyton rubrumTrichophyton tonsurausTrigeminal nerveTrigeminal nerveTrigeminal neuralgiaTroglodytella abrassari HC💳 Trophic ulcer (gout)💳 Trophic ulcer with varicose veinsTrypanosoma gambienseTuberculinumTuberculosis aviareTuberculosis bovineTuberculosis klebsiella