Search for bioresonance frequencies
On this page you can search for bioresonance frequencies and play them in the synth. To do this, type in the search name in your native or English language. You will be offered a list, containing: the name and description (if any). The transition to one of the programs will allow you to learn more about it and to determine the necessary frequency
The list of programs |
Facial paralysisFacial toningFaintingFallopian tubes, restoration of patencyFarsightednessFascia (fibrous tissue under the skin)Fat depositionFatigue after eatingFatigue generalFebris wolhyniaFeeling coldFeeling of numbness in the tongueFeeling overcrowdedFeeling warm and coldFel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile)FeliFelisFelon 1 (pus, infection of finger tips)Felon 2Feloris WolyhnicaFemale breast, enlargementFever (some causes)Fever sunstrokeFever, fever, increased body temperatureFibroadenoma mamae (non cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breasts)Fibroids general (flukes, general)FibromaFibromyalgia 1Fibromyalgia 2Fibromyalgia TRFibromyalgiaFibropendulumFibrosarcomaFibrosarcomaFibrosis lungFifth diseaseFischpyrogenFissuresFistula dentalisFistula ulcerFIVFlashing flies before your eyesFlat feetFlatulence💳 Flight (air)Flu nosodesFlu, InfluenzaFluFlukesFluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt)Follicular mangeFolliculitis hot tub (tiny pimples)Food poisoning (some classes)Foot and mouth syndromeForearm syndromeForeskinFractures healingFrequency fatigueFrigidity femaleFrigidity