Search for bioresonant frequencies by sections
Here, a search is made for diseases and frequencies in sections that are provided by the international standard ICD-10.
For some frequencies, this standard is slightly expanded and supplemented
All Sections :: Infections, fungi and parasites
Section: Infections, fungi and parasites |
Tinea pedisTinea versicolorTobacco mosaicTobacco mosaic virus HCToxoplasma HC (human strain)ToxoplasmosisTreponema pallidumTreponema pallidum HCTrichinosisTrichodermiaTrichomonasTrichophyton generalTrichophyton nagelTrichophyton nagel secondaryTrichophyton rubrumTrichophyton tonsurausTroglodytella abrassari HCTrypanosoma gambienseTuberculinumTuberculosisTuberculosisTuberculosis aviareTuberculosis bovineTuberculosis klebsiellaTuberculosis rod E coli infectionsTuberculosis rod formTuberculosis secondary complicationsTuberculosis virusTularemiaTurbatrixTyphoid feverUlcer parasitesUrinary Tract InfectionsVaccinium (a homeopathic nosode)Vaginosis (non-specific infection)VaricellaVariolaVeillonella dispar HCViral complex TRWest Nile 1West Nile 2Wheat smutWheat stem rust 1Whooping coughWhooping coughWhooping cough nosodesWolhynia feverYeast cervicalYeast generalYeast general VYellow feverYellow flyYersenia pestisYersenia pestis 1Zearalenone HCZygomycosis
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