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Program search — Yersenia pestis
Name Yersenia pestis
Description Aka Bubonic plague; spread primarily by fleas on rats.

The causative agent of plague lives in the body of small mammals. In the circulatory system, the bacillus multiplies. A flea during the bites of infected animals becomes a carrier of infection. In the body of an insect, the bacterium settles in the goiter, begins to multiply intensively. Due to the increase in the number of sticks, the goiter is clogged. The flea begins to experience severe hunger. To quench it, she jumps from one owner to another, spreading the infection between animals. The stick enters the human body in several ways: when bitten by an infected flea; during unprotected contact with contaminated materials and infected body fluids; by inhalation of infected small particles or finely divided drops (airborne droplets).

Plague stick, despite the achievements of modern medicine, still refers to insidious pathogens. The foci of the disease in nature occupy about 7% of land. They are located on the desert and steppe plains, in the highlands. People who have visited the natural foci of the plague should pay attention to their health. When the pathogen enters the body, the incubation period lasts from several hours to 9 days. Then the first symptoms occur - suddenly the body temperature rises to 39 degrees and above, cramps, chills, severe head and muscle pain, difficulty breathing. With such symptoms, immediate medical attention is required.

Since 1947, streptomycin, chloramphenicol or tetracycline have been the traditional first-stage treatment for Y. pestis. There is also evidence of a positive result from the use of doxycycline or gentamicin.

It should be noted that strains resistant to one or two of the above agents were isolated and treatment should, if possible, be based on their susceptibility to antibiotics. For some patients, antibiotic treatment alone is not enough, and blood support, respiratory or renal support may be required.
Chapter Infections, fungi and parasites
ICD-10 class A00-B99
Author Dr. R.Rife
Frequencies, Hz 160, 210, 216, 333, 338, 492, 496, 500, 504, 508, 512, 1'600, 5'000, 5'120
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Infections, fungi and parasitesBioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 160, 210, 216, 333, 338, 492, 496, 500, 504, 508, 512, 1600, 5000, 5120