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— Parasites enterobiasis (pinworms)
Nazwa | Parasites enterobiasis (pinworms) |
Opis | Intestinal worms which cause itching of the anal and perianal areas. The causative agent of enterobiosis is the pinworm - Enterobius vermicularus (Linnaeus, 1758, Leach, 1853). The name Enterobius comes from the Greek enteron - the intestine and bios - life, vermicularis - reduced from the Latin - a worm living in the intestinal worm. Pinworm is a small nematode spindle-shaped in milky white color. The length of the adult female reaches 9-12 mm, the male 3 - 5 mm, in the female the caudal end is pointed, the male is obtuse and hook-shaped. Sharp lateral carinae, passing along the length of the body of the helminth, form the head vesicles at the anterior end. The digestive system of the helminth is represented by a mouth opening bounded by three lips, a cylindrical esophagus with a bulbous extension that passes into the intestine and ends with an anal opening in the back of the body. Bulb of the esophagus and vesicles form a suction device that ensures the fixation of adult helminths to the wall of the intestine |
Rozdział | Ogólny |
Autor | Dr. R.Rife |
Częstotliwości, Hz | 20, 112, 120, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4'152 |
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Słuchać | Możesz posłuchać tego programu w syntezatorze częstotliwości biorezonansu |
Statystyka | 122 unikalny program przesłuchań rocznie |
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częstotliwości biorezonansowe
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