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Program search — Parasites macracanthorhynchus HC
Name Parasites macracanthorhynchus HC
Description Acanthocephala - endoparasites, developing with metamorphosis and change of hosts. The final host of Acanthocephala is vertebrate animals, intermediate - insects and crustaceans.
The length of the body of adult Acanthocephala from 1 to 65 cm. The anterior end of the body is transformed into a proboscis with hooks, serving to attach to the intestines of the host. The composition of the skin-muscle sac includes pseudocuticle, a thick layer of hypodermis, ring and longitudinal smooth muscles. Schizocele is well developed. There is no digestive system. The organs of excretion are two protonephridia. The nervous system includes the head ganglia and the two lateral nerve trunks that depart from them. Acanthocephala - dioecious animals. Gonads are paired.
The giant acanthocephala (Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus) occurs mainly in the pig. It is a large worm that reaches a length of 25 cm or more and has a relatively short proboscis that it penetrates into the intestinal wall, violating its integrity. Its larvae live, as it is said, in the body cavities of the larvae of bronzes and May beetles. These larvae of beetles are found in the ground, and the pigs eat them, tearing the ground.
There is another point of view, according to which Acanthocephala are considered to be a group closely related to priapulids. In a young state, the body of some representatives of the Priapulida class is divided into a head covered with spines (it is considered to be the homolog of the proboscis of Acanthocephala), a smooth neck similar to the main part of the proboscis of Acanthocephala, and the trunk. The excretory organs of priapulids are protonephridia, which open into the genital ducts, just as it does in Acanthocephala. Essential features of the difference between priapulids and Acanthocephala are explained in a parasitic way in the lives of the latter. Finally, the oldest hypothesis brings the Acanthocephala closer to flat worms. This is indicated by the device of the proboscis, similar to the cestodes scutes, armed with corolla hooks, the absence of the digestive system, the excretory organs in the form of protonephridia, and, finally, the traces of orthogonas seen in some authors in the structure of the nervous system of Acanthocephala. However, it should not be forgotten that the similarity in the structure of the attachment organs and the absence of intestines in Acanthocephala and Cestodes is associated with their parasitic way of life and is likely to have a convergent character. Apparently, Acanthocephala should be regarded as an independent type of animal connected in its origin with flat worms, to which they are the closest. Most likely, this is the blind branch of the evolution of flatworms, which developed in parallel with the type Nemathelminthes, but independently of it, and moved to the narrow specialization caused by the parasitic way of life
Chapter Infections, fungi and parasites
ICD-10 class A00-B99
Author Dr. R.Rife
Frequencies, Hz 1'090.65, 21'906.31
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Infections, fungi and parasitesBioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 1090.65, 21906.31