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Program search — Pseudomonas mallei
Name Pseudomonas mallei
Description Also called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted occasionally to man by equine.

Sap (malleus) is a zoonotic infectious disease that proceeds according to the type of septicopyemia with the formation of specific granulomas, abscesses in various tissues and organs.
Pathogenesis and pathoanatomical picture. The causative agent of sap penetrates into the human body through damaged skin and mucous membranes more often than the nose, eyes and respiratory tracts, less often - the digestive tract. In the place of implantation, an inflammatory process occurs with the formation of granulomas, containing sap stick. Hematogenous and lymphogenous propagation of the pathogen leads to the development in various organs and tissues of granulation nodules consisting of epithelioid cells and neutrophilic leukocytes.
In acute disease, granulomas undergo purulent melting, the process acquires a septicopyemic character. Metastatic abscesses are formed in the internal organs and muscles, purulent osteomyelitis and arthritis. Develops a pustular rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Often hematogenous and bronchogenic in the process involved the lungs. They appear small nodules, similar to tubercle tubercles, which later turn into small abscesses. Perhaps the development of lobular, focal, draining and even lobar pneumonia. Often abscesses are formed in the liver and other organs (kidneys, spleen, myocardium, bone marrow, testicles).
In the chronic course of glanders in the nodules proliferative phenomena predominate. Develop chronic sepsis, abscesses in internal organs, polyarthritis. In the lungs there is a carnification, pneumosclerosis, bronchiectasis, chronic abscesses.
In rare cases, sapa affects the nervous system in the form of purulent leptomeningitis, epidural and subdural abscesses, septic thrombophlebitis of the sinuses and veins of the soft meninges, brain abscesses
Chapter Infections, fungi and parasites
ICD-10 class A00-B99
Author Dr. R.Rife
Frequencies, Hz 501, 687, 737, 743, 774, 857, 875, 986, 1'273
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Infections, fungi and parasitesBioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 501, 687, 737, 743, 774, 857, 875, 986, 1273