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Program search — Q-Fever
Name Q-Fever
Description An infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic Rickettsia bacteria and Coxiella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats.

Q-fever (kokieellosis) - an infectious, natural-focal disease. The greatest risk of infection is exposed to persons caring for animals. The causative agent is Coxiella burnetii
In the human body, pathogens penetrate the respiratory tract, intestines, skin, then they enter the blood and are fixed in the cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. In the tissues develop benign reticuloendotheliosis. Immunity after the disease, as a rule, is persistent and long-lasting.
The causative agent penetrates the human body through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract or damaged skin. Often, infection is realized through contaminated milk and dairy products, meat, water. The causative agent can also be transmitted aerogenically (by inhaling dust of dried stool and urine of sick animals, processing infected skins, cotton, wool), and by contact (through the hands contaminated with amniotic fluid, abortus of sick animals). At the same time, aspiration is the leading way of transferring koksells.
In most cases, the disease begins acutely. Complaints are diverse: headache, back pain, muscles, joints, feeling of weakness, dry cough, sweating, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance. On examination, hyperemia of the face, injection of vessels of the sclera, hyperemia of the pharynx are revealed. Most patients have early hepatolyenal syndrome. The temperature is 39-40 °, the temperature curve is varied - constant, remitting, wavy, irregular. Duration of fever: more often within 2 weeks, however, relapses, prolonged subfebrile fever. Part of the patients are diagnosed with pneumonia, tracheobronchitis (with the air-dust path of infection). The picture of blood is little characteristic; leuko- and neutropenia, relative lymphocytosis, moderate increase in ESR are more frequent. Isolate acute (up to 2-3 weeks), subacute (up to 1 month) and chronic (up to 1 year) form, as well as an erased form, which is diagnosed only in the foci in a laboratory examination. Complications are rare
SubroutinesTyphoid fever (typhus infection related symptoms causing high fever, headache, and rash. Also use Salmonella typhi and Rickettsia and see Q fever.) , Rickettsia (bacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. Can cause typhoid fever and Q fever.) , Salmonella typhi (can cause typhoid fever)
Chapter Infections, fungi and parasites
ICD-10 class A00-B99
Author Dr. R.Rife
Frequencies, Hz 129, 420, 521, 523, 549, 607, 632, 664, 690, 712, 714, 720, 726, 760, 773, 802, 824, 869, 900, 943, 1'062, 1'357, 1'445, 1'550, 1'800, 1'860, 1'862, 1'864, 1'866, 1'868, 2'085, 3'205, 4'170, 6'900, 8'656, 9'680, 13'944, 18'620
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Infections, fungi and parasitesBioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 129, 420, 521, 523, 549, 607, 632, 664, 690, 712, 714, 720, 726, 760, 773, 802, 824, 869, 900, 943, 1062, 1357, 1445, 1550, 1800, 1860, 1862, 1864, 1866, 1868, 2085, 3205, 4170, 6900, 8656, 9680, 13944, 18620