Program search — Bartonella henslae (virus which causes cat scratch fever)
Name | Bartonella henslae (virus which causes cat scratch fever) |
Description | The cat scratch disease was first described in 1931, but its causative agent, Bartonella henselae, was isolated only in 1992 from the blood of a domestic cat. The disease is ubiquitous and is characterized by a wide variability of clinical manifestations. Infection of a person occurs through scratches, bites of cats and with close contact with animals. There is also the assumption that human infection can occur directly with a flea bite, like animals. It was shown that the owners of kittens, whose age is less than 12 months, are 15 times more at risk of developing the disease compared to the owners of adult cats. Cat-scratch disease can occur in both typical and atypical forms, regardless of the status of the patient"s immune status. Typical manifestations of immunocompetent persons include the appearance in 3-10 days at the site of injury caused to the animal, the red-brown painless papule. After 1 - 3 weeks, unilateral regional lymphadenopathy develops. The disease progresses slowly. The condition of patients, as a rule, is satisfactory, there are slight non-specific manifestations, such as anorexia, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia or abdominal pain. The duration of the infectious process usually does not exceed 6 months. The main atypical manifestation of cat scratch disease is Parino syndrome, represented by unilateral preauric lymphadenopathy and conjunctivitis. On the conjunctiva of the eyelids there are red-yellow nodules measuring 2-3 mm, which are the equivalent of an inoculation papule. Pathological changes are completely resolved in the absence of therapy. Fever of an obscure nature, lasting for weeks and months, and hepatosplenic symptoms serve as an indicator of dissemination of the infection. In some groups of people, BCC accounts for up to 5% of cases of fever of unknown origin. These patients have increased ESR, but abdominal pain and lymphadenopathy are observed in less than half of cases |
Chapter | Infections, fungi and parasites |
ICD-10 class | A00-B99 |
Author | Dr. R.Rife |
Frequencies, Hz | 364, 379, 634, 645, 654, 696, 716, 786, 840, 842, 844, 846, 848, 850, 857, 967, 1'518, 6'878 |
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Statistics | 51 unique program auditions per year |
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