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Wyszukiwanie programów — Rhodo torula
Nazwa Rhodo torula
Opis Fungi of the genus Rhodotorula are imperfect yeast of the basidiomycete series belonging to the family Cryptococcaceae. The widespread occurrence of these fungi in the environment is known; they are found in the air, sea water, on plant material. Some species of Rhodotorula are isolated from humans. This fungus can be present on the skin and on the nails as saprophyte, can colonize the respiratory and urinary tract, conjunctiva.
Some Rhodotoruia species, namely Rhodotorula rubra (syn. Rhodotorula mucilaginosa) and Rhodotorula giutinis, account for less than 0.5% of yeast cultures isolated from the mouth and more than 12% of isolates from feces and rectal tampons. Due to the frequent isolation of Rhodotorula from biosubstrates in contact with the environment, the presence of this fungus in them is of very limited importance.
In a different way, the detection of Rhodotorula in the blood, bone marrow, spinal fluid, i.e. in biosubstrates, not in contact with the external environment, this is an important feature for the diagnosis of rhodotorrhoea. According to the catalog of fungi Ainsworth and Bisby, Rhodotorula refers to the etiological agents of opportunistic mycoses and develops in conditions of impaired immune defense and homeostasis, usually in the terminal stage of long-term ongoing processes. Among the risk factors, tumors and long-standing intravenous and peritoneal catheters are of the greatest importance.
In the genus Rhodotorula distinguish between 8 and 18 species, and as pathogens called Rhodotorula pillmanae, Rhodotorula pallida, Rhodotorula marina, Rhodotorula giutinis and Rhodotorula rubra. Among systemic mycotic lesions, this infection belongs to the casuistically rare group: several cases of skin, lung, kidney, endocardial, peritoneal, liver, bone marrow, cheek, and throat damage have been described and the only observation of rhodotorous meningitis in a man with acute leukemia. In the HIV-infected child, a case of disseminated mycosis caused by Rhodotorula nmmta was described.
In 1960, Riopedre and co-authors reported the isolation of Rhodotorula rubra from cerebrospinal fluid, feces, urine, pharynx and skin in a three-month-old child who was in a coma (no diagnosis). A number of works are devoted to sepsis caused by Rhodotorula in patients with vascular catheters, including one in an HIV-infected patient. All these cases demonstrate the sufficient potential of Rhodotorula for tissue invasion and show that this fungus can cause serious systemic mycoses. The clinical picture of the disease is nonspecific and varies widely from mild to severe forms. For the diagnosis of rhodotorrhea, it is mandatory to isolate the fungus when sowing biosubstrate on a nutrient medium
Rozdział Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty
Klasa ICD-10 A00-B99
Autor Dr. R.Rife
Częstotliwości, Hz 598, 778, 833
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Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty Bioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 598, 778, 833