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— Bursitis
Nazwa | Bursitis |
Opis | Bursitis is a purulent inflammatory lesion of the periarticular mucous (synovial) sac, resulting in the formation and accumulation of exudate in its cavity. Synovial bags are located between the bones and tendons, that is, in places of considerable mechanical pressure. The hip, knee and shoulder joints are most often affected, as well as the Achilles tendon area. In most cases, bursitis lasts for one to two weeks and does not represent a serious danger to human life and health. However, repeated trauma can serve as an impetus to the development of chronic bursitis, which is accompanied by painful sensations and for a long time makes it difficult to move. That is why very often bursitis is found among athletes Inflammation of periarticular bags can provoke any gnezrodnye microbes (more often streptococci and staphylococci), favorable conditions for the development of which creates a chronic trauma. That is why certain types of bursitis (humerus, ulna, etc.) are classified as occupational diseases. Gneurodnye microbes get into the synovial bag from a nearby purulent focus (carbuncle, furuncle, osteomyelitis) through the lymphatic pathways, or from minor abrasions on the skin. Under the influence of constant mechanical irritation, the serous begins to accumulate at first, and in case of the associated infection purulent exudate. As a result, the bag begins to gradually expand, increasing in size to a large tumor. To summarize all of the above - the main causes of bursitis: in most cases, these are various injuries (chronic microtrauma, bruises, etc.), a little less often - these are metabolic disorders, infections, intoxications, autoimmune processes and allergic reactions |
Rozdział | Układ mięśniowo-szkieletowy |
Klasa ICD-10 | M00-M99 |
Autor | Dr. R.Rife |
Częstotliwości, Hz | 727, 787, 880 |
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Słuchać | Możesz posłuchać tego programu w syntezatorze częstotliwości biorezonansu |
Statystyka | 148 unikalny program przesłuchań rocznie |
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Częstotliwości, Hz
częstotliwości biorezonansowe
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