Syntezator częstotliwości
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Nazwa Emphysema
Opis The term "lung emphysema" denotes pathological processes in the lungs, characterized by an increased air content in the lung tissue, a chronic pulmonary disease characterized by impaired breathing and gas exchange in the lungs. The name of the disease comes from the Greek. emphysao "blow", "inflate".
In recent years, the frequency of emphysema has increased, especially among the elderly.
The significant prevalence of this disease, progressive course, temporary disability and early disability of patients due to the development of respiratory failure and pulmonary heart cause significant economic damage. Emphysema of the lungs along with chronic obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma refers to the group of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). All these diseases are accompanied by a violation of bronchial patency, which is associated with some similarity of their clinical picture. However, each form of COPD has its own specific features, and correct, timely diagnosis of these diseases allows for targeted prevention and rational therapy.
The main cause of the disease is chronic bronchitis, which implies a chronic infection. Chronic bronchitis usually develops at the age of 30 to 60 years and occurs in men much more often than in women. In fact, the result of chronic bronchitis is the formation of emphysema.
In the development of bullous emphysema, hereditary factors play an important role, as well as the transferred lung diseases (tuberculosis, etc.).
Smoking, air pollution by various dust particles and certain working conditions, for example, with the constant inhalation of coal dust or particles of asbestos and silicon, also contribute to the development of the disease
Podprogramy Mycoplasma_fermentans (May be a factor in ALS, chronic fatigue, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, and MS), Mycoplasma general (can be useful for lung, sinus, and other problems which do not respond to other frequencies), Mycoplasma HC, Mycoplasma pneumonia, Mycoplasma pulmonis, Parasites roundworms comp, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites roundworms general short set, Parasites roundworms flatworms TR (use when there is chronic pain from these. 40 min each with converge 1 0.03125 or 1 0.03333)
Rozdział Układ oddechowy
Klasa ICD-10 J00-J99
Autor Dr. R.Rife
Częstotliwości, Hz 20, 75.1, 80, 101, 104, 112, 120, 128, 150.3, 152, 200, 240, 254, 300.5, 332, 380, 422, 484, 535, 541, 543, 601, 610, 644, 650, 660, 664, 673.9, 679.2, 684.1, 686.6, 688, 690, 690.7, 698, 706.7, 709.2, 721, 722, 727, 728, 732, 738, 746, 749, 752, 753, 772, 773, 776, 777, 779.9, 783.6, 787, 790, 799, 800.4, 801.88, 822, 826, 827, 829.3, 835, 857.65, 864, 865, 878.2, 880, 880.2, 942, 969.9, 975, 986, 1'045, 1'054, 1'062, 1'067, 1'077, 1'113, 1'147, 1'234, 1'372, 2'322, 2'404.2, 2'688, 2'720, 2'838.5, 2'842, 2'900, 2'950, 3'212, 3'672, 4'152, 4'412, 5'050, 5'897, 6'187.5, 6'468.8, 7'159, 7'344, 16'106.12, 17'226.33
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Klasa ICD-10
Data utworzenia/zmiany
Częstotliwości, Hz
częstotliwości biorezonansowe
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Emocje i nastrój
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Wyniki sportowe
Układ krążenia, serce
Skóra i tkanka podskórna
Ciąża, poród
Układ hormonalny, odżywianie i metabolizm
Region szczękowo-twarzowy
Trening i podnoszenie IQ
Uraz, zatrucie
Zaburzenia psychiczne
Dodatkowe zalecenia
Indywidualny dobór częstotliwości
Respiratory Products
Proszę się zalogować
Hasło :
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Układ oddechowy Bioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 20, 75.1, 80, 101, 104, 112, 120, 128, 150.3, 152, 200, 240, 254, 300.5, 332, 380, 422, 484, 535, 541, 543, 601, 610, 644, 650, 660, 664, 673.9, 679.2, 684.1, 686.6, 688, 690, 690.7, 698, 706.7, 709.2, 721, 722, 727, 728, 732, 738, 746, 749, 752, 753, 772, 773, 776, 777, 779.9, 783.6, 787, 790, 799, 800.4, 801.88, 822, 826, 827, 829.3, 835, 857.65, 864, 865, 878.2, 880, 880.2, 942, 969.9, 975, 986, 1045, 1054, 1062, 1067, 1077, 1113, 1147, 1234, 1372, 2322, 2404.2, 2688, 2720, 2838.5, 2842, 2900, 2950, 3212, 3672, 4152, 4412, 5050, 5897, 6187.5, 6468.8, 7159, 7344, 16106.12, 17226.33