Wyszukiwanie programów
— Enterococcinum
Nazwa | Enterococcinum |
Opis | Homeopathic nosode for Strep family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tracts. According to the previously accepted classification, enterococci belonged to class D streptococci and, for example, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium were named Streptococcus faecalis and Streptococcus faecium. According to the modern classification, the genus Enterococcus is a member of the family Enterococcaceae, the order of Lactobacillales, the Bacilli class, the Firmicutes type, the Bacteria kingdom. Enterococci, on the one hand, are the causative agents of urinary tract infections, intra-abdominal infections, pelvic infections, wound infections, endocarditis, they account for a significant number of nosocomial infections (6% of all nosocomial infections, 12% of wound infections and 9 % - nosocomial bloodstream infections). On the other hand, enterococci enter the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of man and many vertebrates, play an important role in providing colonization resistance of the mucosa. Enterococci colonize mainly the small intestine, but also in a noticeable amount are found in the colon, spongy part of the urethra, in the genitals and, sometimes, in the oral cavity |
Rozdział | Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty |
Klasa ICD-10 | A00-B99 |
Autor | Dr. R.Rife |
Częstotliwości, Hz | 409, 686 |
Ratować | Zapisz ten program na swoim koncie |
Słuchać | Możesz posłuchać tego programu w syntezatorze częstotliwości biorezonansu |
Statystyka | 64 unikalny program przesłuchań rocznie |
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Częstotliwości, Hz
częstotliwości biorezonansowe
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