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Nazwa Ergot HC
Opis Ergot is a fungus parasitizing on rye and grain crops. It produces a number of substances, such as ergotamine, histamine, tyramine, isomilamine, acetylcholine, and also acetaldehyde.
In the Assyrian writings of the IX century BC. e. you can find a reference to the infection of the grain, presumably by ergot. In the IV century BC. e. the infected grass which caused the termination of pregnancy, and at times led to death of pregnant women has been described. In the Middle Ages, the literature described the epidemics of gangrene of extremities with their mummification. The disease was called "Antonov fire" (named after St. Anthony), because the blackened edges looked like burn marks, and the sick complained of a burning sensation. In modern medicine, this disease is called ergotism. Reported spontaneous abortions and the development of epileptic seizures in patients. Already in 1582 midwives used an ergot for obstetrics. Since 1950, the clinical use of ergot derivatives has been largely limited to the treatment of headaches of vascular genesis. Ergometrin and metergergometrin are used for postpartum atony of the uterus and associated postpartum hemorrhage. Some ergot derivatives are used as nootropic drugs, with orthostatic hypotension and for suppressing the secretion of prolactin.
When overdosage of ergot alkaloids, there is a syndrome called ergotism. It is manifested by intense burning in the extremities, bubble rashes with hemorrhagic contents, itching, insect crawling sensation, nausea, vomiting, in severe cases - gangrene. Sometimes there is a headache, a fixed narrowing of the pupils, hallucinations, confusion, ischemia and cerebral infarction and convulsions (convulsive form of ergotism). Chronic ergotism is often manifested by foot ischemia, although it is often observed ischemia of the brain, intestines, heart and kidneys
Rozdział Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty
Klasa ICD-10 A00-B99
Autor Dr. R.Rife
Częstotliwości, Hz 731.23, 14'687.19
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Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty Bioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 731.23, 14687.19