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— Febris wolhynia
Nazwa | Febris wolhynia |
Opis | A Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse. Rickettsiae (Rickettsiae) are small, specialized forms of bacteria, usually parasitic inside the intestinal epithelial cells of insects and mites. Getting into the human body, some species of rickettsia cause severe diseases. Rickettsia was first classified as a special group of microorganisms occupying an intermediate position between bacteria and viruses and possessing properties characteristic of both types of pathogens. They have very small dimensions (about 0.5 üm), almost the same as the largest viruses (about 0.3 üm), and their reproduction, with the exception of one species, occurs only in living cells, that is, like viruses, rickettsia are obligate intracellular parasites, the growth and multiplication of which occur in the cells of a suitable host. Pathogens for human rickettsia, with rare exceptions, are transmitted by biting infected lice, ticks and fleas. Infection with rickettsia sometimes causes the death of the arthropods themselves, carriers, but may not have a noticeable pathogenic effect on them. In some cases, the transmission of rickettsias in arthropods occurs from one generation to another through infected eggs, in others through intermediate hosts, such as rats, mice or dogs. In these mammals, carriage of rickettsia is not accompanied by severe signs of the disease, and therefore it is believed that the infection occurs in latent (latent) form. In the case of typhus, a person sometimes serves as a reservoir of infection; it can remain latent, but under appropriate "favorable" conditions it manifests itself and, spreading, acquires the character of an epidemic |
Rozdział | Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty |
Klasa ICD-10 | A00-B99 |
Autor | Dr. R.Rife |
Częstotliwości, Hz | 356, 547 |
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Słuchać | Możesz posłuchać tego programu w syntezatorze częstotliwości biorezonansu |
Statystyka | 58 unikalny program przesłuchań rocznie |
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Częstotliwości, Hz
częstotliwości biorezonansowe
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Strengthening the body to fight viruses, parasites and infections |