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Wyszukiwanie programów — Fifth disease
Nazwa Fifth disease
Opis Infectious erythema or the fifth disease, this is a special disease of children and adults caused by the human virus - parvovirus type B19. This disease has been studied by scientists and doctors for the time being is not good enough, although the causes and methods of infection, and even the characteristic features of the spread.
This is a fairly common childhood infection, although the diagnosis of infectious erythema in the cards is rarely exhibited - it is usually taken for any other childhood infections, allergies, dermatitis and other pathologies.
Adults can also develop infectious erythema, but they do not have the same type of children, they may have a rash on their face, which is almost never the case with children. The disease refers to the group of respiratory infections, transmitted by sneezing or coughing, during conversation or screaming, in children it can be transmitted by using common toys and if the children pull them into the mouth, through saliva. There may be cases of spreading the fifth disease through common utensils, spoons and plates, through the kisses of the parents. Usually, infectious erythema is transmitted by the appearance of the first flu-like symptoms, and the infectious are infectious until the appearance of a typical skin rash. If the disease occurs in weakened children or adults who have various blood diseases, weakened immunity or any chronic diseases, they can remain contagious much more than usual and pose a great danger in the epidemic.
Symptoms of infectious erythema may be different depending on the time of the disease, the infection dose of the virus and many other factors - age, concomitant pathologies, problems with the blood system, etc. The earliest symptoms of infectious erythema are respiratory manifestations resembling the onset of influenza or colds. The temperature rises, there are manifestations of the common cold, sneezing, itching in the nose, pain and sore throat, general malaise, chills, headaches, loss of appetite.
Then, after a few days, the first manifestations of the rash on the body may appear, in some patients the appearance of the rash may also cause joint and muscle pain. Manifestations of infectious erythema on clinical manifestations may have similar manifestations with many other diseases, with which they are often confused by doctors and patients
Podprogramy Erythema infectiosum (human parvovirus B19, sometimes known as Fifth disease, a contagious viral infection which causes blotchy or raised red rash with mild illness. exp), Erythema nosodum
Rozdział Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty
Klasa ICD-10 A00-B99
Autor Dr. R.Rife
Częstotliwości, Hz 9.39, 809, 1'618, 3'236
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Strengthening the body to fight viruses, parasites and infections
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Infekcje, grzyby i pasożyty Bioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 9.39, 809, 1618, 3236