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Wyszukiwanie programów — Guillain Barre Syndrome TR
Nazwa Guillain Barre Syndrome TR
Opis Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (Guillain-Barre syndrome). Described by the French neuropathologists G. Guillain and J. Barre in 1916. The cause of the disease remains insufficiently elucidated. It often develops after a previous acute infection. Perhaps the disease is caused by a filtering virus, but since it has not been isolated so far, most researchers consider the nature of the allergic disease. The disease is considered as an autoimmune with the destruction of the nervous tissue, secondary to cellular immune responses. Inflammatory infiltrates are found in the peripheral nerves, as well as rootlets, combined with segmental demyelination.
To the end, science is not known. It is assumed that the disease is based on autoimmune mechanisms. This means that the human immune system "rebels" against its own organism, producing antibodies to certain molecules of the nerve shell. The nerves themselves and their roots are affected (they are at the junction of the central and peripheral nervous systems). The brain and spinal cord are not affected. The starting factor to the development of the disease are viruses (among them, important are cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus); bacteria (Campylobacter jejuni). The immune system always reacts to any foreign agent that penetrates the body, but sometimes at the molecular level there is a malfunction in the "one's own" system, and then the immune system rebels against its body. In science, this phenomenon is called "molecular mimicry". In the case of Guillain-Barre syndrome, "the most it takes" peripheral nerves and their roots
Rozdział System nerwowy
Klasa ICD-10 G00-G99
Autor Dr. R.Rife
Częstotliwości, Hz 20.87, 30, 41.75, 82.6, 165, 330, 727, 740, 787, 880, 1'234, 1'550, 2'600, 2'650, 2'900, 2'950, 4'412, 5'000, 7'344, 10'000
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Częstotliwości, Hz
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System nerwowy Bioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 20.87, 30, 41.75, 82.6, 165, 330, 727, 740, 787, 880, 1234, 1550, 2600, 2650, 2900, 2950, 4412, 5000, 7344, 10000