Program search — Herpes zoster (chicken pox, shingles)
Name | Herpes zoster (chicken pox, shingles) |
Description | After establishing the identity of varicella viruses and herpes zoster, the causative agent was named Varicella-Zoster (VZV), belonging to the genus Varicella-virus, the Herpesviridae family. The diameter of the virion is 150-200 nm, it contains DNA. It is well cultivated in transplantable cultures of kidney cells of monkeys and humans, while the nuclei of cells are affected with the formation of eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions (Aragan's body). The causative agent is unstable with respect to environmental factors, quickly dies in the open air, under the influence of disinfectant solutions, UVD |
Chapter | Infections, fungi and parasites |
ICD-10 class | A00-B99 |
Author | Dr. R.Rife |
Frequencies, Hz | 3.9, 580, 664, 787, 802, 833, 880, 914, 1'160, 1'500, 1'600, 2'170, 2'320, 3'343 |
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Listen | You can listen to this program in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer |
Statistics | 199 unique program auditions per year |
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Strengthening the body to fight viruses, parasites and infections |