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Program search — Leprosy
Name Leprosy
Description Lepra (leprosy) (leprosy) is a chronic infectious disease characterized by a long incubation period, torpid, protracted course with periodic exacerbations (leprosy reactions). The disease is a systemic process with damage to the skin, mucous membranes, the neuro-endocrine system and internal organs.
If the etiology of leprosy is known, the pathogenesis of the disease, its epidemiology, conditions of infection and spreading are not fully understood.
The largest endemic foci of leprosy exist in Karakalpakstan, Kazakhstan, the Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Far East, and the Baltic region. Periodically in different places, some sporadic cases of leprosy are detected. In total, in our country there are a relatively small number of patients, whose treatment is mainly carried out in leprosariums. An important role is played by timely isolation and effective treatment of patients, identification, treatment of sources of infection and examination of all contacts with patients, especially household ones. Throughout the world, according to incomplete data, there are more than 10 million patients. In Ukraine, for the isolation and complete cure of leprosy patients with their return to normal life, leprosariums are organized.
Etiology. The causative agent of leprosy is the bacillus, discovered in 1871 by the Norwegian doctor G.Hansen, the family Mycobacteriacea, called Mycobacterium Leprae hominis. The bacillus of leprosy is a gram-positive alcohol and acid resistant stick stained by Tsiol-Nielsen, Ehrlich and aniline dyes. In recent years, for the bacterioscopic diagnosis, leprosy is used in the Marcinovsky method. During the existence of mycobacterium leprosy forms a-forms, granular and filtering forms. In biopsies, mycobacteria are found in considerable quantities in the form of rods with slightly pointed ends, with a tendency to parallel arrangement in the form of "cigar packs" or clusters in the form of spheres surrounded by a transparent gelatinous shell. Mycobacterium lepra does not have a capsule and does not form a spore. Attempts to obtain a pure pathogenic culture of mycobacteria on an artificial nutrient medium have not yet been successful, it is possible to inoculate leprosy with armadillos and some experimental animals (rats, mice) irradiated with x-rays and prepared corticosteroid hormones.
For the treatment of leprosy, for the most part, preparations from the group of sulfones are used, due to which this disease ceased to be fatal. The main protivopleprosnym drug is dapsone (Dapsone), which is prescribed in combination with rifampicin and lampprene. This therapy made it possible to widely use outpatient methods for treating leprosy patients
Chapter Infections, fungi and parasites
ICD-10 class A00-B99
Author Dr. R.Rife
Frequencies, Hz 252, 600, 743, 6'000, 10'000
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Infections, fungi and parasitesBioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 252, 600, 743, 6000, 10000