Bio Frequency Synthesizer
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Your biorhythms can tell you how to plan your day
Accurate determination by date of birth
The new version of the synthesizer and the news of the site
Dear listeners. Our project is constantly developing and improving. Therefore, the work of another section will be quite logical, in which we will tell you about new versions of the synthesizer and new products for the entire site, starting from the date of its first version - 07/31/2018, from which we will count.
On the main page of the synthesizer, the background now changes when listening to the Program. This adds a certain mood and additional relaxation for proper perception.
Added section online radio. Radio can be listened to separately, like a regular radio station, or together with useful frequencies in our synthesizer. There this part is called: "Musical design".
Launch synthesizer of biological frequencies. The sound synthesizer, which was previously located on this site, has been moved to a special subsection.
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