Program search — Leiomyoma
Name | Leiomyoma |
Description | Leiomyoma (leiomyoma, from the Greek leios - smooth and mys, myos - muscle) - a benign tumor originating from smooth muscle fibers. Leiomyomas can occur in all organs where smooth muscle fibers are present, but are more common in the uterus, in the digestive tract, in the bladder, in the prostate gland, and in the skin. According to its origin, the leiomyoma of the skin, esophagus, intestine are considered as dysontogenetic formations, L. of the uterus - as a consequence of endocrine disorders. The tumor is round in shape, clearly delimited from the surrounding tissues; its consistence is dense, especially with a high content of connective tissue (leiomyofibroma). The nodes of L. are often multiple, the sizes vary from microscopic to the diameter of the head of the full-term fetus and more; on the cut - pinkish, gray-white with a peculiar layered pattern due to the intersection of differently located muscle bundles. Microscopically, the leiomyoma is constructed from muscle fibers, which are somewhat larger compared to normal ones. The nuclei of tumor cells are also relatively larger and richer in chromatin. In L. muscle fibers form randomly arranged beams, and around the vessels are sometimes placed concentrically, in the form of couplings. Vessels are usually small; they are thin-walled, with a narrow lumen; rarely L. contain a large number of dilated vessels (cavernous L.). In long-term existing leiomyomas, as a result of circulatory disturbances, dystrophic and atrophic changes in muscle fibers can be observed, with replacement of their connective tissue; the latter can undergo hyalinosis, petrification, less often ossification. In addition, lesions of necrosis, hemorrhages with the formation of cysts can occur in leiomyomas. Possible malignization of L. (see Leiomyosarcoma). Surgical treatment, prognosis favorable |
Subroutines | Fibroma |
Chapter | Neoplasms |
ICD-10 class | C00-D48 |
Author | Dr. R.Rife |
Frequencies, Hz | 465, 666, 690, 727, 802, 1'550, 2'008, 2'127 |
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Listen | You can listen to this program in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer |
Statistics | 49 unique program auditions per year |
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