Program search — Caeliacia
Name | Caeliacia |
Description | Celiac disease is considered as intolerance to the protein of cereals - gliadin. So far, different terms have been used to denote celiac disease, including non-tropical sprue (from the Dutch sprue - foam, since the patient"s stool sometimes resembles foam) and gluten enteropathy. In patients with celiac disease, gliadin causes mucosal atrophy of the small intestine, resulting in a syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption, which in turn leads to the development of hypotrophy, rickets like syndrome and many other metabolic disorders. However, exactly how gliadin leads to atrophy of the small intestine mucosa is completely unclear |
Chapter | Endocrine system, nutrition and metabolism |
ICD-10 class | E00-E90 |
Author | Dr. R.Rife |
Frequencies, Hz | 674 |
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Listen | You can listen to this program in the bioresonance frequency synthesizer |
Statistics | 395 unique program auditions per year |
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Endocrine system, nutrition and metabolism |