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Program search — Human T lymphocyte Virus 1
Name Human T lymphocyte Virus 1
Description Biology of retroviruses. For the first time retroviruses were isolated from chickens at the beginning of this century. Later, in the 1950s, mammalian retrovirus was isolated from mice suffering from leukemia. At present it is already well known that these viruses are associated with the emergence of both malignant and non-malignant diseases in many species of animals. Retroviruses, depending on the forms of diseases caused by them, can be divided into malignant, non-malignant, simultaneously malignant and non-cancerous and non-pathogenic. Non-pathogenic viruses are often inherited as normal genetic Mendelian elements. This way of inheriting them is unique, these viruses have been called endogenous. An example of a virus that possesses both malignant and non-malignant properties is a virus that can cause leukemia in cats. It causes T-leukemia, but more often it is responsible for violations resembling the syndrome of acquired human immunodeficiency. Retroviruses that cause non-malignant diseases, such as encephalitis and other neurological diseases, arthritis, lung diseases, are slow acting and are designated as lentiviruses. They are isolated from ungulates, humans (T-lymphotropic virus, human type III, or HTLV-III) and non-human monkeys (monkey T-lymphotropic type III virus, or STLV-III).
Retroviruses have an outer membrane, spongy from the cell membrane, and contain an electronically dense core surrounding the viral genome. Sinequapop retrovirus is a DNA polymerase, called reverse transcriptase, which, together with RNA, is part of the core. Reverse transcriptase catalyzes the transfer of genetic information from RNA-to the DNA form (provirus). The provirus then usually migrates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and after integration into the circular double-helix form is integrated with the host cell DNA, in which it remains throughout the life of the cell (Fig. 293-1). Since provirus in the S-phase of the cell cycle doubles along with the actual cellular DNA, the daughter cells also inherit the viral genome. Thus, the body becomes infected as if throughout life. When the virus is expressed, its RNA and proteins can be found in the cytoplasm of the cell, and also in connection with the inner surface of the cell membrane, in which the budding and release of the virus completes its life cycle. Sometimes there are deletions of provirus, as a result of which the formed virus acquires some properties that distinguish it from the original variant
Chapter Infections, fungi and parasites
ICD-10 class A00-B99
Author Dr. R.Rife
Frequencies, Hz 243, 646, 725, 732, 844, 2'432, 6'353
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Infections, fungi and parasitesBioresonance therapy. Frequencies, Hz: 243, 646, 725, 732, 844, 2432, 6353